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write a program called prog6

Spring 2014
ECE 222 System Programming Concepts
1 of 4
Lab 6 – Arrays, Pointers, and Structures
In this lab, each student is to write a program called prog6.c
that allows the user to process a bitmap image file with a transformation m

several questions about C programs

1.Consider the following function called duplicate and the main function that calls it.  What are the values for x, y and z that are displayed?
void duplicate (int& a, int& b, int c)

Run-time Stack and Merge Sorting a Linked List

 COMP 2140 Assignment 2: A Run-time Stack and Merge Sorting a Linked List

Helen Cameron and Stephane Durocher
Due: Wednesday October 22 at noon
Programming Standards
When writing code for this course, follow the programming standards, available on this course's website on
Desire2Learn. Failure to do so will result in the loss of marks.
To test, using a backtracking algorithm, if a mouse can escape from a rectangular maze.
Your Program
General Overview:
Your program must implement a backtracking algorithm that helps the mouse by
systematically trying all the routes through the maze until it either nds the exit or exhausts all possible
routes (and concludes that the mouse is trapped in the maze). If the backtracking algorithm nds a dead
end, it retraces its path until it reaches a position from which there is an untried path. The backtracking
algorithm always tries all directions (forward, backward, left, and right | no diagonal moves allowed) from
any position it reaches.


C语言教程第一章: C语言概论
    C语言是在 70 年代初问世的。一九七八年由美国电话电报公司(AT&T)贝尔实验室正式
发表了C语言。同时由 B.W.Kernighan 和D.M.Ritchit 合著了著名的“THE C PROGRAMMING

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