代写C代码 代做C程序 C辅导 C家教

远程写代码 Debug 讲解答疑 不是中介,本人直接写

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You are responsible for designing one of the following systems for your company:
Student Registration System
- Facility to allow students to register as a student for a University
- Students should be able to register for a programme in the University and pay by credit card (emulate this only!)


The aim of this assignment is to write a two pass assembler for an extended SIMPLE instruction set. Then write and test programs in SIMPLE assembly. A final part is to write an emulator for the SIMPLE machine (replacing the one provided).


The aim of this assignment is to write a two pass assembler for an extended SIMPLE instruction set. Then write and test programs in SIMPLE assembly. A final part is to write an emulator for the SIMPLE machine (replacing the one provided).


Marking Scheme:
The assignment is worth 10% of your overall CP2001 grade.
?    Problem Solving: 13 marks
o    Basic: setup & play single-player game with random AI selected (3 marks)



Marking Scheme:
The assignment is worth 10% of your overall CP2001 grade.
?      Execution: 8 marks
o   Testing the program with various valid and invalid user inputs (e.g. number of players, symbol placement, early game ending).


Project :Airways Information System

Overall description:
Your team is employed by an Airways company for the implementation and delivery of a computer system responsible for a large part of the operation of the company.



Examination II
Data Structures using C++, spring 2014
1.     (4 pts)In C++, the arrow -> is called the member selection operator.
1). What is the other way to write the expression p->m?

2). In the expression p->m, p is (select the correct one)

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