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代写X86汇编Intel Linux assembly程序Assignment



代写Assembly MIPS LC3 Systems and Architecture


prompt: .asciiz "Input a float number: "
result: .asciiz "The square root is: "
half: .double 0.5
e: .double 1e-6
li $v0, 4

Merge Sort


Created on Sep 22, 2015
@author: wangbin
def merge(a, p, q, r):
    L = a[p: q + 1]
    L.append(2 ** 31)

Insertion Sort

 # the worst time complexity is O(n^2), the best is O(n)

def insertSort(a):
    # from the second element
    for i in range(1, len(a)):
        key = a[i]

Client Cache Server

COMPSCI 711 Assignment 2 

The purpose of this assignment is to understand the techniques used by the CDN in 
reducing the amount of data transmission and practice developing distributed applications.  

bubble Sort

def bubbleSort(a):

    for i in range(0, len(a) - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(a)):


implementing a class

CS 455 Programming
In this assignment you will get practice working with Java arrays, and more practice implementing your own classes. Like you did in assignment 1 and lab 4, you will be implementing a class whose specification we have given you, in this case a class called SolitaireBoard, to represent the board configuration for a specific type of solitaire game described further below. You will also be using tools to help develop correct code, such as assert statements along with code to verify that your class is consistent.

Bernoulli Process


Part 1: Background
Parts 1 and 2 of this homework assignment were copied and slightly modi ed from pages 143 - 146 of Prob-
ability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 8th edition, by Walpole, Myers, Myers, and Ye, Pearson

Java Programming Assignment

 CS 455 Programming Assignment 1

In this assignment you will write a graphics-based program to do a random walk, sometimes also known as a drunkard's walk. This random walk simulates the wandering of an intoxicated person on a square street grid. The drunkard will start out in the middle of the grid and will randomly pick one of the four compass directions, and take a step in that direction, then another step from that new location in a random direction, etc. This will be repeated some number of times determined by the user. The output will display the path of the drunkard as a sequence of line-segments. (This problem is adapted from programming problem P6.6 from the textbook.)


Data Structures Trees

 INFO1105/1905 Data Structures 

If your assignment is incomplete, please submit your work before the deadline anyway ­ even if you 
do not expect it to pass any of the automatic tests. Please do this even if you intend to apply for 
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